Friday 30 September 2011

Personal Statement

Well it's time to start working on the personal statements, getting in first drafts getting them back etc etc etc until there perfect and ready to get my place in uni's! Problem! I HATE writing about myself, it's so awakward, but I suppose got to do it....stressful though!
Well i suppose i should get on with it....I'm sure sometime soon I'll have a more interesting message to add

Saturday 24 September 2011


For my alarm to be set for 3am is outrageous in any situation. The fact it was so I would get up and dress in time to walk to work makes the whole thing a whole lot worse. It is now 4:04am and I will be leaving in about 25minutes to take a lovely according to google maps 3.4mile walk but that isn't with short cuts.

All for McDonalds -.- I finish at 11am which isn't to bad short and sweet 5hour shift. The main problem is I am shattered and will be even more tired when I finish. I then have to go and play 90minutes of football with a 2pm kick off in Hayling Island which is also a cup game..."yay".

Good Morning All. x

17 Years, 4 Months, 26 days.

Since my Mother gave birth to me on the 29th of April 1994 I have been lucky enough to make my own decisions with my parents support, thanks to that I have made it this far today being the person I want to be.

My Mother is English. 'Poppet'

My Father is Scottish. 'Toots'

As an individual I am proud of who I am. I love both my parents with all my heart. From the moment I was born my Mother has given me the pet name of Poppet and my Father calls me Toots, I am now 17 and they still occasionally call me by these names which brings a warmth to my heart, it is rare, but it's who I am in their eyes. My parents have given me so many opportunities and I thank them for that, not to their faces but I hope that the day I am settled with my own family they will realise how much I appreciate it. iloveyou.

My life is sport. Without sport I wouldn't be who I am today. Sport has built my confidence and has given me a passionate personality. I want to win and I want to succeed. This has transferred over to my academic side. I don't want to lose a game, I don't want to fail exams. I want to make something of myself. I will make something of myself.

Liverpool Football Club; I felt the need to mention the team I support. A lot of people think I'm crazy, but I am red through and through. Which also works with my Scottish routes of Aberdeen Football Club.

I have two older Brothers, one of the age of 34 one at the age of 36 and they are my world. I love my Brothers with all my heart and they have both given me the chance to be a proud Auntie to 7 beautiful and handsome Nieces and Nephews. To be exact 5 handsome boys and two beautiful girls. They are my life.

STC. BIF. BJS. BPCC. STVC. The initials of my education to this day. From playschool to college. The teachers and friends I have met thanks to my education has given my life excitement, support, anger and stress. I wouldn't change anything about my education. If I had the time to thank everything single person who has helped me through these times I would personally go and thank them. If i had the time to go back and ask how all the friends I had are I would. The older you get. Time is more rare. One day I will work my way through a list and I will thank everyone I feel I need to. Right now it's about the people who are in my life now because they are the people who I am with for the next few years.

I feel I can stop now and my blogs will change from being like this to my day to day antics. Some drunken moments, to emotion times. My sport will come into this as well as my education. I am a lucky individual which I do understand.

I will help anyone that needs help, It is so rewarding.

'Make others smile before yourself'
The way I think. That's who I am.